🔗 Git Hub

Project Overview:

As part of my 3rd-year 2nd-semester project, our group embarked on the development of a Social Media Platform tailored for food enthusiasts. Leveraging the power of Spring Boot for the backend and ReactJS for the frontend, we created an engaging and interactive platform for individuals passionate about all things culinary.


MERN Stack:

  • Spring Boot
  • React JS
  • Microsoft SQL Server


Likely used for version control, collaboration, and code management.


Used Postman for testing APIs, ensuring functionality, reliability, and compliance with project requirements.

Azure DevOps:

Employed for project management, including task scheduling and tracking.

Project Details:

  • Utilized Spring Boot for the backend, providing a robust and scalable server-side foundation.and Implemented ReactJS for the frontend, ensuring a dynamic and user-friendly interface.
  • Engaged in a collaborative effort with a team of four members, fostering a synergistic environment where each member’s expertise contributed to the project’s success.
  • Embracing the Agile methodology, we prioritized flexibility and responsiveness in our development process, allowing for iterative improvements and efficient adaptation to evolving requirements.
  • To streamline project management, we utilized Azure DevOps for task scheduling and tracking. This platform facilitated seamless collaboration and ensured effective coordination among team members.
  • Employed Postman for comprehensive testing of APIs, ensuring functionality, reliability, and adherence to project requirements.
  • Utilized Git for version control, enabling seamless collaboration and efficient code management.


This project not only showcases our technical prowess in Spring Boot and ReactJS but also underscores our commitment to collaborative teamwork and effective project management. The use of Azure DevOps and Postman reflects our dedication to implementing industry best practices for development and testing.

System Pages Showcase

Explore snapshots of key system pages developed

User Profile page