đź”— Git Hub

đź”— Research Paper

Project Overview:

This project has done in my 3rd year 2nd semester, It is a Research & Development (R&D) project focused on the “Effects Of Online Platforms to Collect Re-Used Materials and Responsible Production.” This initiative aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, emphasizing responsible consumption and production.


MERN Stack:

  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Express.js (Web application framework for Node.js)
  • React (Frontend JavaScript library)
  • Node.js (JavaScript runtime environment)


Used for automated testing of the web application to ensure functionality and reliability.


Utilized for code quality assurance, analyzing and maintaining code cleanliness.


Utilized Docker for containerization, ensuring a consistent and portable environment across development, testing, and deployment


Likely used for version control, collaboration, and code management.

Azure DevOps:

Employed for project management, including task scheduling and tracking.

Project Details:

  • Leveraging my leadership role as the Group Leader, our team of four members collaborated on developing the system. We employed the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) to build a robust and scalable solution.
  • I conducted Research on the “Effects Of Online Platforms to Collect Re-Used Materials and Responsible Production” exploring the project’s relevance to SDG Goal 12. Subsequently, I authored a research paper encapsulating our findings.
  • Embracing the Agile methodology, we prioritized flexibility and responsiveness in our development process, allowing for iterative improvements and efficient adaptation to evolving requirements.
  • To streamline project management, we utilized Azure DevOps for task scheduling and tracking. This platform facilitated seamless collaboration and ensured effective coordination among team members.
  • Ensuring the project’s robustness, we employed Selenium for comprehensive testing, Docker for containerization, and SonarQube to maintain code cleanliness. These practices were integral to delivering a high-quality and reliable system.


This project not only demonstrates my technical proficiency in MERN stack development but also showcases my leadership skills, commitment to code quality, and the ability to apply research findings to practical, sustainable solutions.

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